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Retirement Planning

We provide fiduciary advisory services to help you Crest
the wave of your financial life

Retirement Planning

As you near retirement, you may begin to wonder:

  • Have I saved enough to last a lifetime?
  • Will I be able to achieve my lifestyle goals?
  • How will I turn my savings into a monthly stream of income?
  • How can I ensure I don’t outlive my savings?
  • When is the best time to begin taking Social Security?
  • Will my loved ones be okay?

At Crest Wealth, we understand your concerns and strive to answer all of your questions. You only have one chance to retire, and we understand how important it is to get it right. That’s why we take all aspects of your financial life into consideration as we develop a custom retirement plan to meet your needs and achieve your goals.

As retirement nears, we make adjustments to your portfolio to position it for generating a monthly income stream. We also conduct a thorough review of your current savings, pensions, Social Security and other potential sources of income. Once we have a firm grasp of your situation, we establish a tax-efficient income strategy that takes into account your retirement goals, marital status, monthly income requirements, legacy goals, life expectancy and more.

Our goal is to provide you with the confidence of knowing you are prepared for a comfortable retirement.

Ready to get started?